Ditech's Up Hill Battle

In a difficult and last ditch effort to remain afloat, Ditech home mortgages is attempting to move up the brand ladder and position itself as a mid-level mortgage company. In a market that almost evaporated overnight, the sub-prime mortgage market has been the target of many scathing reports on unethical practices and over-zealous business people.
It could be said that this is a move that will lead to certain failure, or at least a waste of money, as Ditech would fail to move up to a mid-tier brand in the mind of consumers. However, Ditech is facing a bleak future and is in a market that may take years to recover, if it ever does. This may be a last ditch effort of a dying company to stay relevant in a market that is no longer. Who knows, Ditech may be a brand brought back to ‘life’ it 10 or 15 years as many brand owners have done recently.
Labels: Branding, Rebranding