Super Bowl Ads - A Reflection

This isn't another review of anyone's favorite Super Bowl ads. You can read that in some high priced advertising magazine. Everyone can argue for their favorite spots, but what is more important is that the ad that was remembered. Because all consumers were targeted repeatedly, it is the advertising spots that were sought after and searched for by consumers that had the greatest effect. These ads Advertain the consumer and in turn create a connection between the advertiser and the consumer. Using Tivo's research on how people watched the Super Bowl, it is clear which advertisers created that connection. Ameriquest and Anheuser-Busch lead the field with spots that were watched by consumers - and then - watched again, by choice. It is clear what the common connection among the top ten spots, humor. The humor in the Super Bowl ads created the connection between the advertiser and consumer so much so that consumers went out of their way to watch the spot again. Perfect examples of how advertisers need to Advertain in the future to create the best recognition of their brand.
Moving further than just watching the Super Bowl ads on the television again, consumers actual sought after the ads over the internet. Consumers were so entertained that they actually ignored, or forgot, that they were being advertised to and watched the spots again.
Learning from this, how do you create this Advertainment for your own company? You must hit the consumer at a location that they enjoy. In this instance it was humor, short comedy clips that intrigued the consumer so much that they wanted to see it again. Find out what your target market enjoys and see how you can get them asking for more.
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